By uttering these words, you shall obtain absolution from even the most unfeeling individual

By | May 12, 2024

I ask for your forgiveness, Don’t be angry or mad at me, I’m ashamed of my behavior, But please, if you can, understand.

Yes, I know, my character isn’t sweet, And sometimes it’s very difficult with me. I apologize, just remember though, That I love you very much, my sunshine.

My behavior was unseemly, The words were unpleasant, I know and I ask for your forgiveness, Though the hurt is still alive.

My conscience torments me desperately, I find no peace, Believe me, I will definitely improve, Just forgive me, I ask.

Forgive me, please, For my foolish words. We often talk about, What we greatly regret later.

You know how I love you, And I will never leave. And we won’t let grievances Put a barrier in our way.

A grievance is like a wall. Sometimes we build it. But to remove it from our path, We need to be able to forgive everyone.

So forgive me, Tear down the wall completely. And hug me quickly, We will always be happy!

Forgive me for what happened, Forgive that it all happened like this. I’m so sorry, but it happened this way, And it’s not easy to make amends. Forgive me, it was my mistake, I’m asking for your forgiveness. Know that your smile Is still very dear to me!

Please forgive me for everything, Do not hold a grudge in your heart, I ask for forgiveness from the bottom of my heart, Accept my apologies!

We all make mistakes, And sometimes we don’t know what we’re doing, But we need to be able to forgive And let go of all the bad.

Forgive me, for in life it happens: Emotions suddenly eclipse reason, A careless word can hurt those, Who are nearby, who are dearest to you.

I’m bitter, I’m hurt, I’m annoyed, Everything turned out so badly and so awkwardly, I ask for understanding, for leniency, From my whole heart, I ask for forgiveness.

Please forgive me, For without you, I would perish. Without your eyes, your smile, your hands, I suffer so much!

I ask for forgiveness again. I want to win back your love. Forget hurtful words, And remember: I love you!

I don’t want to lose you, So I ask for forgiveness! Don’t be offended, let’s make up, Forgive me, for everyone can stumble.

I won’t step on the same rake again, This time, I’ll keep my word. You are a very important person in my life, And there’s no one better than you in the world!

Sorry, please, there’s no need To stay mad at me for long, My action was very bad, It hurt you so much.

And now, you harbor a grudge, Deep in your soul, Though you don’t show it, I know, it hurts you so.

I beg you, don’t be angry, I want to make peace, Just smile, And reconcile, reconcile, reconcile.

I will not hurt you, Ever again in life, I’m lonely without you, Please forgive me!

I’m very ashamed of myself, I hope you will forgive me, I don’t want to fight, Because I love talking with you.

Forget the bad, let it go, From my heart, I beg: forgive! Let’s mend our relationship, I ask for your forgiveness!

You think I’m silent, But in my soul, I scream from tears. I’m ashamed, I ask for forgiveness! Accept my apologies.

I don’t want Our bridges to be burned. Let’s make up quickly, We don’t need quarrels at all.

Forgive me, forgive, Don’t hold the grudge anymore, Hug me quickly, Please forgive everything.

I respect you very much, Always value and adore you. Don’t be mad at me, Everything that happened wasn’t out of malice.

I realize everything now And acknowledge my fault. I will make amends, believe, Do not close the door in your heart.

Pain drenches my heart with blood, And sadness in my soul does not subside. Please, forgive me, Forget the bad, don’t blame, I’m ashamed of my mistakes! I can’t see the light of day, I blame myself day and night, I want to drive the grievances away! I will wait for your forgiveness, Accept my apologies!

I ask you, please forgive, Take anger and let it go, Give me a chance to make everything right, And all will be well! Forgive me, I beg you, You mean a lot to me, Now, tell me, how to make amends? How to smooth over my fault? How to start everything anew? Please, forgive me, forgive me!

Forgive me, my love, Guilt gnaws painfully at my heart, May your Angel protect you And help us reconcile.

Forgive me, a hundred times forgive, Let’s forget all grievances, There’s no one more beautiful than you, Let’s be together as before.

It hurts that everything turned out so foolishly, I want to bring my sincere apologies! I hope you can understand everything And grant me your forgiveness.

I promise I will never hurt you again And will carefully control myself! I’m ashamed of my words and actions, I will not provoke a quarrel anymore.

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