Prepare to be enthralled by this poignant proclamation of love, capable of captivating even the most unfeeling individual

By | May 12, 2024

I love you very much, And you should just know, I live only for you, And with you, everywhere is paradise.

You are my love forever, For you alone I breathe, For you alone my heart, I love you madly!

How deeply I love you, You are my ideal, my love, my dream, You are my tenderness, my intoxication, My ocean, my sea, my soul.

I love you endlessly, I can even swear to you, No one on earth knows, How my heart yearns only for you!

I dream of being with you alone, Our feelings blaze like fire! I love you madly, And I will preserve this love forever. I only live when I’m near you, And I can’t spend a day without you!

When you’re not near, I feel desolate, When you’re not near, I feel sorrow, And my heart becomes very silent, It carries me away to feelings afar.

I really want to confess to you, Love has pierced me like an arrow, I love you madly, It’s essential for me to be near you.

You are my sunshine in fate. I confess my love to you. I want to be near you, To catch the smile from your lips.

To hear laughter, catch your glance, See how your eyes glow, To sail with you on the waves of happiness, To share love and joy.

I’ll whisper in your ear quietly, About my feelings I’ll gently tell, I’ll hug you softly, Today, I’ll open my soul.

Quietly, lovingly, with all my soul, I’ll tell you how I love you, I’ll tell you how I can’t sleep at night, How I only want to be with you.

I’ll tell you about my feelings, I just ask you to cherish them, You will be my life forever, I will love you until the end!

I love you very much, you are my happiness, Your breath is very precious to me, I admire you, I adore you, In your arms, I simply melt!

With you, it’s good, I enjoy you, In tender feelings with you, I bathe, I dissolve in you, I can’t without you, All because I — love you!

Your eyes are clearer than the night, Your lips are sweet, to tears, I love, I miss you very much, And I drown in the lakes of dreams.

I adore your voice, To ruffle your soft hair, The scent drives me crazy, I’d like to drink you to the bottom.

I can’t hold back my thoughts, Realizing that I’m drawn, Just respond to me, I beg, For I love you very much!

Want, I’ll reveal a secret to you, I’ll tell you a little secret, You are my bright light in the window, I’ve loved you for a long time already.

You are my angel, you are my ray, You are the soul, fate, you are life, My happiest incident, Stay in my heart!

You’re special, my dear person, And my love belongs to you, My feelings will be endless, Without you, I can’t imagine life!

With you, I feel very good, Comfortable and always easy. You know how to cheer up And to encourage in the right moment.

The touch of your hands Makes my heart beat faster. With you, days go by faster, And I love you more and more.

I tremble deeply loving you, Down to the depths of my soul, And now I can’t do otherwise, Just write me a couple of words.

I’ll give you my dream, I’ll share a smile and care, I’ll create beauty around you, I want to give all my feelings to you.

I love you, you are my life, My meaning, my air, and my hope. With you, I’m always on wings, You are my bright star.

Just for you, my heart beats, I rejoice in life with you. I always hear how your heart beats, I treasure every moment spent with you.

My life suddenly changed, And happiness smiled at me. Joy fills my heart, Everything best has awakened.

And in my soul, spring blooms, And the sun warms. With you, I feel so good, There’s nothing better!

With you, it’s like I’m in paradise, And it’s true, I’m not lying. Take all my heart, My love now is yours!

I love you with every cell, My thoughts are occupied by you. All the stars faded for me, When your clear gaze sparkled.

And now the whole world is not needed, And all friends are forgotten. To you over ice, snowdrifts, puddles, I will reach without delay.

I hope for Cupid, That he will hit you with an arrow, And we’ll share the vast world Honestly between the two of us!

You are the eighth wonder of the world, My personal hell and paradise, Without you, I have no happiness, Only with you—just know that!

If I see you, Then my day has been successful. And the heart beats stronger Only next to you.

Without you, the soul is in sorrow And in unknowable anguish, You are water, and I am like a fish That flounders on the sand.

All that I feel for you, I can no longer hide And I want to call you my love In front of everyone!

I smile for you. To you, my soul always flies. I love you without extra words And I can’t live without you.

With you, I dream of being together, To catch the best moments. I will support you in everything. I’ll give you my love.

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